Posted on January 18, 2014
Boston or Bust: Megan's Running Journey
It all started one beautiful Spring day back in high school out on the track. The cross country coach pulled me to the side and said, "I want you to run for me in the Fall."
Me?! I was shocked! To me, running a mile seemed ridiculous! Plus, I had only gone that far once, when we had to do it in grade school. He must be out of his mind!
But being a person who can't turn down a challenge, I asked him, what do I need to do? He gave me some advice and I spent the rest of Spring and all of Summer building up mileage and getting ready to join the team in the Fall.
My life was changed forever. I went from the drama-filled life of a cheerleader to the drama-free life of a cross country runner.
Coach's voice will always be in my head when I am doubting myself. "Quit feeling sorry for yourself!" He saw my potential and wouldn't accept anything less. For that, I will be forever grateful!
All those miles logged back in high school made me realize: You don't know what you are capable of until you push yourself out of your comfort zone!
Back then, my comfort zone was a lap around the track. Today, I am working to qualify for Boston!
Marathon #1: GO! St. Louis 2011. I made it to Mile 18 then walked to the finish...just under 6 hours.
Marathon #2: Rock 'n Roll St. Louis 2012. I made it to Mile 23 then walked to the finish...just over 5 hours.
Marathon #3: Rock 'n Roll St. Louis 2013. I was determined to finish without walking this time! I was successful...VERY successful! I finished in under 4 hours!
I shaved 1 hour and 15 mintues off my time from the year before! For the first time since I got the idea, I felt it might happen!
My qualfying time for Boston is 3:35, and I won't stop pushing myself until I get there!
Whenever I lace up my shoes, I can't help but smile because each step gets me that much closer to Boston!
*Megan is a freelance blogger for the More Miles More Smiles team!*
by Mark Spewak
антивирус nod32 5 ключи свежие on On 04/11 at 03:16 AM
What is this?,
свежие ключи для nod32 4.2 on On 04/08 at 06:51 PM
What is this?,
Brandon Chac on On 01/18 at 09:09 PM
Wow that’s awesome! Shaving off 2 hours! Good luck with qualifying for Boston! You got this!
Gabriel on On 01/18 at 07:34 PM
You can do it! I have no doubt you’ll make it.
Kristina on On 01/18 at 04:08 PM
You can do it, Megan! I have seen you grow from a young girl into a beautiful woman. I have seen your hard work and determination. I know there is nothing you can’t do! Love you!